Monday, April 28, 2008

The Internet Was Right

I got this top from J. Crew last month during their "final sale" which means it can't be returned. On the website, it looked like a really pretty orange-scarlet color, but in real life it looked like my shirt was on fire. I should have heeded the name of the color: bright flame.

I decided to try to change the color. Should I make it lighter or darker? I already have black shirts and it's Spring, after all, so I decided to try to bleach it into a lineny pale orange.

On the internet, they say you can't bleach chiffon because it will burn the plastic of the fabric, which has been embedded with its color since it was created. I ignored this advice and here are the results:

The bleach really did eat up the chiffon, but it looked kind of cool like it was tie-dyed for a few minutes before I tried it on and realized the chiffon was tearing apart at the slightest touch. Then I cut off all the chiffon and left just the satin lining, which I then discovered was totally see-through (last picture). Now I think I'll use the lining to make a change-purse or something.

1 comment:

  1. Well I hope you got it for a good price! Anyway, I admire your adventurous spirit when it comes to clothes.
