Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Three-Year Knitted Quilt

This is the quilt I knitted. I started it more than three years ago, when I was in a knitting group at my church and someone suggested I knit squares for a Warm Up America quilt. The Warm Up America project collects squares knitted by people all over the country (there are collection bins at most Michael's stores) and then puts them together into quilts and gives them to the homeless.

It was a good project for a beginning knitter like me, since the squares didn't have to be perfect and as long as you used the designated type of yarn and size needles, it was all good. I went to town and knitted a few squares. Then I started to get attached to my work and didn't really want to give up my squares to be integrated with others in a quilt that I would never see. So I decided to make my own quilt. It took me so long, I don't even think the Warm Up America project is around anymore. Besides, Cary said she wanted it (once it started looking good) so I gave it to her.

Another thing I liked about this project is that I got to crochet a little bit, too. I crocheted a black border around each square and then crocheted the squares together, also with black yarn.

The only negative is that it's not reversible. The back looks crappy because the crocheted edging only looked good on one side. It also weighs a ton.


  1. Great job, Diane! The good thing about those projects that take forever to finish (and believe me, I have a number of them) is that if feels SO good when you do finish them! I have a pattern you can tackle next - it's knitted hexagons that you sew together for a quilt.

  2. It looks great! Welcome back to authorship on this blog, too :)

  3. My mother, an avid machine knitter, left a whole bunch of sample squares after she passed away. I would like to make them into a quilt to leave behind for my children. I love the idea of crocheting between them but not sure how to make sure they don't come undone once in the quilt because they are not finished on the edges. Any ideas?
