Thursday, January 21, 2010

Dan is the man

Check out the prototype placecard holders that Dan created for our wedding:
#1 is a champagne cork with a slit in the top.
#2 is two corks sewn together and the card goes between the corks.
#3 is a single wine cork cut on one side with a slit on top.

The most amazing thing is that Dan burned (!) in the personalization with our names and wedding date. I think they're awesome but would love your opinions. Which should we choose?


  1. They're all awesome. I like #1 and #3 the best. Can we take them as souvenirs? ;)

  2. Those are all super cute - go Dan! I think the top ones (the champagne corks) look like they'll be nice and stable, won't be too much work (in case you're planning on doing lots of these), they're super cute, and champagne is so festive and celebratory, so those could be fun!

    Really, you can't go wrong, they're all great and the names and date burned into them is such an awesome touch. :)

  3. I'm partial to number one as well! Would people's names be on one side and the table number on the other? Or are these meant to be the table numbers on the actual tables? Anyway, I like what Mary-Heather said about champagne being festive.

  4. I think they would have a name and table number on one side and maybe a the name on the opposite side too in case people who just met need a little help remembering a name or two. Did you guys do that in elementary school? I remember making many a name tag when we a had substitute teacher.
    And yes, Aunt Di, they would be souvenirs. Souvenirs that you might question the utility of when unpacking from your trip to Baltimore (why did I save these?), but still...
